Sunday, January 15, 2012

Honestly, I have no idea how long this blog will last. I was suffering from insomnia last night and that was when the idea of a blog was thought up. It seemed like a groundbreaking idea where I would write about my brutally normal life that actually isn't really that normal. I would make it more than just about Islam but rather my journey in life as an individual who just happens to be Muslim. Of course I thought it up at 5am, when just about every idea sounds profound.

There are a ton of really great Muslim bloggers out there, but most of them are only about Islam, which (MashAllah) is fantastic, but it leaves me wanting to read about someone's real life- where mistakes are made and things are not always so perfect. Then of course you have the Muslim fashion blogs, MashAllah is it just me or do Muslim girls have a great sense of fashion? I like to think I have an odd sense of fashion and I will probably write a few posts on the subject as well, but then again I don't want to limit myself to just that. (Plus, the Halaal Police are always monitoring those blogs and they terrify me.) Apart from that possibly talk about marriage, family, friends, movies, my unhealthy addiction to couponing, cooking, failed attempts at being awesome, and just about everything else too.

So I think that is all for my blog introduction. InshaAllah, I will post something soon!

1 comment:

  1. I am also afraid of the halaal it makes me think more than twice before I can publish my post.

    Welcome to the world of blogging :)

